
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Baby Room Monogram

So - things have been pretty hectic lately and I haven't done much crafting since we have been transient in our living situation. BUT, we are finally settled in our new home and my crafting adventures have continued! 

For this post, I'm going to show you how to make a SUPER cute, easy, and cheap monogram for a baby room. What I love about this project is that all the pieces are pre-made and can be purchased at Michael's. All you have to do is choose your colors and assemble! 

Once again - I have failed to do the ever so important blogging task of taking pictures along the way, but I promise for this project pictures are not even necessary. It is really THAT easy!

Here is a picture of the final product!

1) Burlap canvas
You can purchase this at Michael's. There are a variety of sizes, as well as square and rectangle. You can also choose between a thick canvas or a flat one. I chose to do a flat, rectangle one.

2) Precut wood plaque
Michael's has a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as thickness. It all just depends on what you want! I chose one that was thinner - it was cheaper!

3) One piece of card stock scrapbook paper 
Again - this is up to you! I chose a very simple baby pink since it matches the colors in Parker's room. 

4) Matte Mod Podge/foam brush or paint brush

5) Pre cut, designed wood cutout
This is yet another item that Michael's carries a variety of. There are different sizes and designs.

6) Precut wood letter
I'm feeling redundant here, but again, this is an item that has a large variety. Just choose which letter shape and size matches the look you're going for. I chose a simple, white letter "P".

7) Burlap ribbon

8) Hot glue gun

10) Exacto knife/razor/box cutter - whatever gets the job done!

1) Using your foam brush/paint brush, spread matte pod podge over one side of the wood plaque. Make sure to get it thoroughly covered.

2) Place the wood plaque mod podge side down on the back side of the card stock scrap book paper. You want to make sure that the side of the paper you want to see is the side that is not being glued on!

3) Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles

4) Allow mod podge to dry completely. This takes about 30 minutes.

5) Once mod podge is completely dry, using a knife of whatever sort you have lying around (I used a box cutter) cut off the excess paper. Be careful to not rip the paper or push pieces of it off the wood plaque. You want the wood plaque to look like it came with the paper on it! Nice, smooth, and with the perfect fit!

6) Once all the paper is removed, you can apply another layer of mod podge on top for extra seal and smoothness. I chose not to because all I had on hand was the glossy finish and I wanted the paper to have a matte finish.

7) Hot glue the wood plaque to the burlap canvas

8) Grab your pretty designed wood cutout and hot glue that onto the wood plaque that is now beautifully mod podged with card stock paper

9) Take your wood letter and hot glue that sucker right on the top! 

10) Take your burlap ribbon and tie a bow. Hot glue that bow above the wood letter.

And there you have it! Your beautiful, cheap, and easy monogram is complete! :) Now hang where you feel is best and you're done!

I chose to hang mine on Parker's door. I just bought those command strips since the thinner burlap canvases are more difficult to hang with nails. Here it is:

ENJOY!!! :)

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